Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) Network
An inspiring resource for learning numeracy
Improve on early childhood math learning strategies with DREME
Numeracy Focus: All
The Stanford University based Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) Network site provides a vast range of materials for teacher educators to prepare future and practicing early childhood teachers to promote young children’s mathematics learning.
This resource is suitable for system and school leaders, as well as those educators who are seeking to revise and review their current knowledge of supporting numeracy in their setting.
DREME have designed resources “that are intentional, developmentally appropriate, engaging, and playful”.
Stage: Birth to Level 2
This resource supports:
Integrated teaching and learning approach
- Guided play and learning
- Adult-led Learning
- Multiple
VEYLDF Practice Principles
- Integrated teaching and learning approaches
VEYLDF Learning Outcomes
- Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another
- Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
- All
- System leaders
- School leaders
Teaching and Learning Cycle:
- All
Sourced from:
Reflective Prompt
What materials from this extensive resource could you incorporate into your professional learning programs to support educators’ understanding of engaging children in numeracy activities that are:
– intentional
– developmentally appropriate
– engaging
– playful
Reflective Prompt
What materials from this extensive resource could you incorporate into your professional learning programs to support educators’ understanding of engaging children in numeracy activities that are:
– intentional
– developmentally appropriate
– engaging
– playful