Potato Olympics
An inspiring resource for learning numeracy
Explore the numeracy in Olympic events through this amusing potato adaptation
Numeracy Focus: Understanding, estimating and using measurement
The Potato Olympics, developed by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, is an amusing and engaging way for students to explore the numeracy in Olympic events through their potato athlete.
The Potato Olympics is ideal for the classroom or home engagement in numeracy.
Stage: Level 3 to 6
This resource supports:
- Fluency
- Understanding
- Multiple exposures
- Health and Physical Education
- Teachers
- Families
Teaching and Learning Cycle:
- Teach
Sourced from:
Reflective Prompt
What would happen if your students used a different vegetable for this task?
What numeracy might be explored with other vegetables?
Reflective Prompt
What would happen if your students used a different vegetable for this task?
What numeracy might be explored with other vegetables?
Proficiency Reflective Prompt
How would you use this resource in your context to support children and young people’s fluency?
Proficiency Reflective Prompt
How would you use this resource in your context to support children and young people’s fluency?