PBS Parents

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

Explore fun and easy ways to incorporate math into your child’s daily life with PBS Parents

Numeracy Focus: All

<p;”>The Public Broadcasting Service in the US has developed an array of resources to support families to encourage positive engagement with numeracy.

The online games and everyday opportunities to explore numeracy, are equally suitable for educators in search of fun, engaging activities for babies and toddlers through to eight year olds.

This site includes a link specifically for educators 

Stage: Birth to Level 2

This resource supports:

Integrated teaching and learning approach

  • Guided Play and Learning
  • Adult-led Learning


  • Multiple Exposures

VEYLDF Practice Principles

  • Integrated teaching and learning approaches

VEYLDF Learning Outcomes

  • Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another
  • Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes


  • Technologies: Digital Technologies


  • Families

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Act/Do

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this site to encourage family members to support a positive attitude towards numeracy in the home environment?

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this site to encourage family members to support a positive attitude towards numeracy in the home environment?