Nrich Maths

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

Explore NRICH for the thousands of free online mathematics resources developed by the University of Cambridge to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners

Numeracy Focus: All

This site contains a number of resources for early years, primary and secondary mathematics educators.

Separate sections for primary and secondary students provide direct access to activities, games and resources where students are encouraged to undertake the online challenges and send in their solutions.

Although curriculum links are included for the UK context, the activities and experiences provided would be equally relevant to the Victorian context

Stage: Birth to Level 10

This resource supports:


  • All


  • NA


  • NA


  • Teachers
  • School leaders
  • System leaders

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Use student data
  • Identify learning goals
  • Plan
  • Teach
  • Assess

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

How would you introduce your students to this site?

How could you integrate the features of the site into your regular classroom routines to promote numeracy?

Reflective Prompt

How would you introduce your students to this site?

How could you integrate the features of the site into your regular classroom routines to promote numeracy?