Mathematics Curriculum Companion: Right Prisms

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

A resource pack for teaching surface area and volume of right prisms

This resource provides teachers with a range of activities such as interactive online resources, questions, and real life applications for teaching surface area and volume of right prisms.

Reflective questions are provided for teachers to use following an activity to support students justifications for their responses.

Stage: Level 9 to 10

This resource supports:


  • Understanding


  • Questioning


  • NA


  • Teachers

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Assess
  • Teach

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this resource to engage students in dialogue and/or prompt them to justify their responses?

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this resource to engage students in dialogue and/or prompt them to justify their responses?

Proficiency Reflective Prompt

How would you use this resource in your context to promote children and young people’s understanding?

Proficiency Reflective Prompt

How would you use this resource in your context to promote children and young people’s understanding?