Count the crayons

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

Count and group crayons to support learning in number and estimation

Numeracy Focus: Developing number sense

This task supports children’s estimation and understanding of the benefit of grouping in 10s.

The task is from, which offers a variety of engaging, high-quality tasks for all ages and mathematical concepts.

Stage: Birth to Level 2

This resource supports:


  • Fluency
  • Reasoning


  • Metacognitive strategies


  • NA

VEYLDF Learning Outcome

  • Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners


  • Early childhood practitioners
  • Teachers

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Teach

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this resource to promote understanding of estimation of number in the environment?

Reflective Prompt

How might you use this resource to promote understanding of estimation of number in the environment?

Proficiency Reflective Prompt

How would you use this resource in your context to support children’s fluency?

Proficiency Reflective Prompt

How would you use this resource in your context to support children’s fluency?