AAMT Top Drawer

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

Explore this collection of numeracy resources categorised by ‘drawers’

Numeracy Focus: All

This site is supported by the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT).

It contains numerous resources for teachers of mathematics organised through the ‘drawers’ of fractions, mental computation, patterns, reasoning, statistics, and geometric reasoning.

All the drawers have been developed by well-renowned Australian mathematics educators and follow the same general structure: Big ideas, Misunderstandings, Good Teaching, Assessment, Activities, and Downloads.

To navigate through the site, school leaders and teachers can search by key terms or select one of the drawers to explore in more depth.

The fractions drawer, for example, identifies the following fraction big ideas: Part-whole fractions; fractions as measure; fractions as division; fractions as operators; fractions as ratios.

It contains over 20 teaching activities to develop these big ideas, with many including links to interactive learning objects.

Stage: Birth to Level 10

This resource supports:


  • All


  • NA


  • NA


  • Teachers
  • School leaders
  • System leaders

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Use student data
  • Identify learning goals
  • Plan
  • Teach
  • Assess

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

When planning lessons, how long do you actually spend on familiarising yourself with the big ideas that underpin the mathematical concepts that you will be teaching?

How could you use the site to develop your own understanding of the big ideas?

Reflective Prompt

When planning lessons, how long do you actually spend on familiarising yourself with the big ideas that underpin the mathematical concepts that you will be teaching?

How could you use the site to develop your own understanding of the big ideas?