Engaging Maths: Getting to know you mathematically
An inspiring resource for learning numeracy
Support your students to develop their interpersonal skills whilst learning about mathematics
Numeracy Focus: All
Dr. Catherine Attard’s Engaging Maths site presents a hands-on, engaging and open-ended task that promotes understanding the mathematics we require to get to know someone, while facilitating the use of mathematical language.
Stage: Level 3 to 8
This resource supports:
- Understanding
- Questioning
- NA
- Teachers
Teaching and Learning Cycle:
- Teachers
Sourced from:
Reflective Prompt
What other information about peers requires an understanding of mathematics?
Reflective Prompt
What other information about peers requires an understanding of mathematics?
Proficiency Reflective Prompt
How would you use this resource in your context to promote children and young people’s understanding?
Proficiency Reflective Prompt
How would you use this resource in your context to promote children and young people’s understanding?