Measuring Familiar Things
An inspiring resource for learning numeracy
Explore the different properties of familiar items through measurementÂ
Numeracy Focus: Understanding, estimating, and using measurement
Using a range of measurement methods, educators and children work together to explore familiar items. As children make comparisons based on size, weight and volume, educators model numeracy language to describe the concepts being explored.
Stage: Birth to Level 2
This resource supports:
Integrated teaching and learning approach
- Guided Play and Learning
- Collaborative Learning
VEYLDF Practice Principles
- Assessment for Learning and Development
VEYLDF Learning Outcomes
- Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world – Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.
- Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another
- Science
- Early childhood practitioners
Teaching and Learning Cycle:
- Plan
- Question/Analyse
Sourced from:
Reflective Prompt
How could you include the ideas from this resource to foster learning about estimation and measurement in routine times?
Reflective Prompt
How could you include the ideas from this resource to foster learning about estimation and measurement in routine times?