Steep? How Steep?

An inspiring resource for learning numeracy

Trigonometry and road sign design

This task on trigonometry asks students to consider angles identified by road signs.

A series of questions is posed relating to angles along with justifications for a response.

Students must use trigonometry when designing their road sign and use trigonometric proofs to justify their decisions.

Source: AAMT

Stage: Level 9 to 10

This resource supports:


  • Understanding
  • Fluency


  • Structuring lessons


  • NA


  • Teachers

Teaching and Learning Cycle:

  • Teach
  • Assess

Sourced from:

Reflective Prompt

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Reflective Prompt

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Proficiency Reflective Prompt

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Proficiency Reflective Prompt

How would you use this resource in your context to promote children and young people’s understanding?