Let’s Count
An inspiring resource for learning numeracy
An early mathematics program for children aged three to five
Numeracy Focus: All
Let’s Count is a program designed to support early childhood teachers, educators and families to understand the importance of early numeracy and recognise the many ways that numeracy can be embedded in everyday experiences with children.
Stage: Birth to Level 2
This resource supports:
Integrated teaching and learning approach
- Adult-led learning
- Child-led learning
- Multiple exposures
Practice Principles
- Reflective practice
- Partnerships with families
Learning Outcomes
- Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners. Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another
- Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
- Early childhood practitioners
- Families
Early Years Planning Cycle:
- Reflect/review
Sourced from:
Reflective Prompt
How can you use Let’s Count to support young children’s numeracy skills in all areas of your program?
Reflective Prompt
How can you use Let’s Count to support young children’s numeracy skills in all areas of your program?